Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Skeltonic Imitatios

Whoso claims a great auctoryte
To imytayte mine rhymes full craftely,
Tayke here the tyme
t'inscrybe your jagged rhyme.


  1. Nicole DeGennaro
    English 311
    Professor Ketner
    10 March 2010

    I am fighting for my honour today,
    I do not believe that I have done wrong,
    I have been followed since the month of may,
    I feel that my beliefs are very strong,
    I know I have a sense of right and wrong,
    I want to fight for my justice indeed,
    For this courte I would gladly sit and bleed.

    Yf the king of courte believe I did bad,
    I do apologize for my bad acts,
    I do value the courte as I have had,
    I can prove this with interesting facts,
    The way the courte feels of me has an impact,
    Being in court is like leaving on a journey,
    Justice is my one defense attorney.

    It has come down to being fair or not,
    I’ll help John Skelton free himself away,
    He will learn much from all that he had fought,
    He’ll think of me and fair when it is may,
    When he looks back he’ll remember this fair day,
    I, John Skelton’s one and only justice,
    I will not let him leave with injustice.

  2. Ayllaynce of Thy Kynges

    As nere we to the tyme of absyloote distructyne,
    Beyng warned of bye those who clyam hyghir
    Voysas spake unto only thym witout obstructyne
    Drematyc visyons of how thy sosietee will expyre
    Dreemynge of brootayl predyctynes, bloode and dyre
    Attentyne tern’ed frum trou thereets to the suboardynite
    Of the coreporaytynes, unfyttered by law, that coopearate

    In my trayvils, I met a man poyssessed of goodly fybere,
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, a justyce of the coort soopryme,
    Tolde of hys fear that inspyred the nead for a transcrybire.
    A nytemair of feersum monstyrs invallved of a schyme
    In thy nere fyochure, most horibyll, as et is reel, no dreem.
    Kynge Phillip Morris, the Unscrutpewlys and his Queen Sara Lee
    Dancyd on the baks of the pepyle as dyde Sir Kraft, the Marquis

    Incorageyd and oblyged to scryb the goode justyce’s tayle
    Wit my penne I sayt to capchyre the monstyrs in my enke.
    In a tavyrin, whylst eyeyng my drenke, “Wat kynde be yore ale?”
    The fyne justyce, gayve me heade moor reesyn to thenke
    Awl aroynde the bryte bannyres of Kraft hayngyed on efrye nayle.
    I enspycted the nayms etychyd on my cuppe. And en scroylle most p’tyete
    Apeerythe Morris, Lee and Kraft in feerfylle colloosyne and descyte.

  3. I could not get the format to copy correctly.

  4. Ok, I changed a few spellings that weren't clear. Here is my Imitatio, again.

    Ayllaynce of Thy Kynges

    As nere we to the tyme of absyloote distructcyon,
    Beyng warned of bye those who clyam hyghir
    Voycis spake unto only thym witout obstructcyon
    Drematyc visyons of how thy sosietee will expyre
    Dreemynge of brootayl predyctynes, bloode and dyre
    Attentyne tern’ed frum trou thereets to the suboardynate
    Of the coreporaytynes, unfyttered by law, that coopearate

    In my travyls, I met a man poyssessed of goodly fybere,
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, a justyce of the coort soopryme,
    Tolde of hys fear that inspyred the nead for a transcrybire.
    A nytemair of feersum monstyrs invallved of a schyme
    In thy nere fyochure, most horibyll, as et is reel, no dreem.
    Kynge Phillip Morris, the Unscrutpewlys and his Queen Sara Lee
    Dancyd on the baks of the pepyle as dyde Sir Kraft, the Marquis

    Incorageyd and oblyged to scryb the good justyce’s tayle
    Wit my penne I sayt to capchyre the monstyrs in my enke.
    In a tavyrin, whylst eyeyng my drenke, “Wat kynde be yore ale?”
    The fyne justyce, gayve me heade moor reesyn to thenke
    Awl aroynde the bryte bannyres of Kraft hayngyed on efrye nayle.
    I enspycted the nayms etychyd on my cuppe. And in scroylle most p’tyete
    Apeerythe Morris, Lee and Kraft in feerfylle collooscyon and descyte.
